Assessment in 21st
Century Classrooms
Action Plan: __________ED 127 Assessment 1_____________
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
In what ways do you consider
yourself a 21st century teacher? Describe how you:
Collaborate with other teachers
Use technology in your classroom
Act as a facilitator of your students’ learning
Use multiple forms of assessment for content and
21st century skill development
with other teachers
I will
collaborate with other teachers by articulating ideas clearly and effectively
through speaking and writing during seminars and meetings and acting it out
by working effectively with other teachers.
technology in your classroom
I will use technology in the
classroom by integrating ICT in the teaching learning process such as the use
of technology tools like projector and the use of social networking in the
transfer of knowledge.
Act as
a facilitator of your students’ learning
I will act as a facilitator of
students learning by working with
manipulatives, teaching concepts through realism and as part of integrated
subjects. The difference in the enthusiasm and learning that takes place
isn`t even quantifiable. Not only do a adhere to the idea of being a
facilitator and guide, I'm nearly an evangalist on the subject rather than an
multiple forms of assessment for content and 21st century skill development
I will use multiple forms of assessment for content by giving
different styles of written assessments like
Rahn et al. (1995) distinguish three types of written assessment, one of
which involves selected responses and two of which involve constructed
responses. The first type is multiple-choice tests,2 which are
commonly used for gathering information about
knowledge of facts or the ability to perform specific operations like Math and
the second type of constructed-response written assessment includes essays,
problem-based examinations, and scenarios. These items are like open-ended
questions, except that they typically extend
the demands made on students to include more complex
situations,more difficult reasoning, and higher levels of understanding.
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
In the chart, record
your current assessment practices and how you would like to change your
assessment practices.
Current Assessment Practices
Changes to Assessment Practices
The current assessment practices used by teachers are only
limited in the following:
students are still test through
traditional paper and pencil test
students are solely assessed by the teachers only
only takes place at the end of the session after the monotonous class
focuses on memorization and content
For me, I want to change it to the
new assessment practice like the following
Use of varied assessment tools for the
students’ holistic learning
Students are empowered in a way that may also
assess their peers and even themselves by using peer feedback checklist
Assessment is done throughout the session not
only in the end of the session
Assessment should not only focus on the
memorization and content but rather on the way the student understands the
whole lesson and be able to relate it in the real life use
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
- Consider the units you teach.
- List units where you explicitly teach,
or would like to teach, 21st century skills.
- For those units, list the technologies
you use or would like to use.
21st Century Skills
Electrical Energy
Self-direction and iniative, ICT literacy during class discussion
Powerpoint Presentation/Video Presentation during
Class Discussion
Static Electricity
Self-direction and iniative to listen to discussion
Powerpoint Presentation
Video Presentation
during class discussion
Electric Current
Collaboration during
Lab Activity/Experimentation
Video Presentation
Powerpoint Presentation
Electric Circuits
Drills on Electric Circuits lessons
Video Presentation
Powerpoint Presentation
and Usefulness of Electricity
literacy and Self-direction and iniative
hands on while doing the research
Estimated Time: 10 minutes
How does formative assessment benefit your classroom? What
kinds of changes would you need to make in your assessment practices to include
more formative assessment?
assessment has benefited my classroom in a way that my students’ learning are
better than before. They are engaged in various activities such as
collaborative group activities through which they can apply their learning in
the real life application. With the
advent of changes and the 21st century skills learning in a
formative practice is enjoyable and yields even more learning.
Estimated Time: 10 minutes
Based on your understanding
of assessment, what assessment goals
would you like to set for yourself during this course, month, or school year?
Write your goals. Some examples include:
21st century skills to focus on during a particular unit or project
formative assessment strategies in my classroom
21st century skills to my rubrics
additional assessment instruments to assess
students assess themselves and their peers
rubrics before and during the project
journals and/or observations to assess
My assessment
Ensure the development of the 21st century skills of
a student across curriculum.
Improve the formative assessment strategies in class room to
ensure the high performance of the student.
Integrate 21st century skills in the guidelines of
performance rating.
Use varied and collaborative assessment strategies during the
assessment such as peer feedback checklist wherein the students can assess
their peers.
Estimated Time: 10 minutes
Reflect on your current use of rubrics in your classroom.
How might you use rubrics in new or different ways to
improve your students’ learning?
I use rubric in new
or different ways to improve students` learning by instilling them the 21st
century skills through integrating the skills in the curriculum itself. Some
ways to improve the students learning is to caught their attention and
interest in the contemporary period wherein ICT integration is acknowledge
and more appropriate for most learners nowadays.
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
the rubrics shown in the table or in the Assessing Projects library.
Select and save at least one product or performance rubric and at least one 21st
Century skill rubric to your Course Folder or to your Personal Library if using
Assessing Projects. Describe how and
when you would use each assessment.
Product or Performance Rubric name:
Laboratory Work on Electric Circuits Performance
How I will use the rubric:
I will use it in assessing my students’ lab
performance which every day after the laboratory work.
21st Century Skill Rubric:
Collaboration, Creativity and Problem solving Rubric
How I will use the rubric:
In assessing the product-based and performance-based
activities of my students which I assign them after the lesson I will use
these in assessment of student.
Estimated Time: 10 minutes
Reflect on your learning in
this module.
I have learned that assessment strategies should not
only remain in the traditional way but rather be varied by adapting them to
the 21st century skills like using ICT and collaborative group
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
how you might integrate assessment methods as part of classroom activities.
- Graphic Organizers
The purpose of graphic organizer is to guide the
learner by presenting the most complete picture that shows potential
relationships among topic being brainstormed
- Journals and Learning Logs
This is to check the individual performances and
progress in a group work and develops communicatin skills among learners
- Discussions
This is to assess on the progress with regards to the
content learning wherein the learner is also developing the confidence and
communication skill.
- Products and Performances
This is to check the students potentials and creativity in performing the
project during a laboratory work and performances.
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
Describe how you might include each assessment method in
your classroom.
- Observation
May be used all throughout the learning-teaching
process where the teacher will be observing the learners.
- Peer Assessment
Applicable in the group of pairs or even in the small
group discussion.
- Self-Assessment
This is to test the individual learning by the use of
- Student-Teacher Conferences
This is to say the of both teacher and student`s
observation from the beginning and up to of end of the end of the project.
Estimated Time: 30 minutes
the assessment instruments (rubrics and checklists) shown in the table or in
the Assessing Projects library. Select and save any that you would like
to use or adapt for your classroom. Note how and when you might use the
and How I Will Use
Use before, during and after the project.
Use throughout the duration of the project
Peer Feedback
Use to assist the peers in the collaboration of the student.
Estimated Time: 10 minutes
Reflect on how implementing what you have learned in this
module might change your classroom.
As teacher of 21t century classroom, I must be adapt
the new teaching stategy from traditional to the 21st century assessment because it paves the way
to globalization of the educational system in the country.
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
In this module, focus on a single project as you complete
each Your Turn activity. Note that the planning steps build on each other.
Choose standards and write objectives for your unit.
Remember to write objectives that tie to targeted standards, are measurable,
and incorporate 21st century skills.
Unit/Project: Electrical Circuits
: A Part of Daily Life
identify the different types of Electrical circuit.
are able to identify the different types of Electrical circuit.
identify the sources and usefulness of the Electric circuit
Students are able to conserve electric sources and
appreciate the usefulness of Electric circuit
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
Create an Assessment Timeline
for your project. Remember to plan assessments throughout the project that meet
all five purposes:
Gauging Student Needs
Encouraging Collaboration and Self-Direction
Monitoring Progress
Checking Understanding and Encouraging
Demonstrating Understanding
Assessment Timeline
![]() |
Before project
work begins
During project work
After project work
is completed
· Checklist
· Journal
· Peer Assessment
· Discussion
Presentation Rubric
Collaboration Checklist
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
To complete your Assessment
Plan for your unit, develop a table of assessment strategies that aligns to the
Assessment Timeline you created in Activity
As you think through the
purpose and process for each assessment, you may need to modify your Assessment
Timeline to best meet each of your goals and objectives.
You may want to review the Guiding Questions document in the Module 4 section of the Resources tab to help you write your
Assessment Plan.
Table of Assessment Strategies
Process and Purpose of
use this to gauge my students’ needs of the data the need to research bout
the topic presented.
Discussion is use to guide the student on the prior
knowledge they have about the topic.
use this checklist for the students to remember on the things they need to
look up and need to be research.
Each student should be required with a journal to be
accomplish throughout the project duration to know the individual progress of
each students.
Peer Assessment
It will
develop the critical thinking skill of my students as they assess the output
of their peers. It will also afford them the opportunity to develop their
interpersonal skill.
Presentation Rubric
I’ll use this for the standardization of their output.
I’ll use this to keep track of how my students are
collaborating with their peers. It will also open their consciousness that
they should always participate for the benefit of the entire group.
Adapt a rubric or checklist that you selected in
Module 2, Lesson 4, Activity 2 or Module
3, Lesson 5, Activity 1. Use Assessing
Projects to adapt an assessment in your personal library, or modify an
assessment in your Course Folder using a word processor.
Describe how you adapted the assessment and how
you will use it in your classroom.
I will use rubrics and
checklist to give chance to learners to perform and show their potential that
can help in the personal and intellectual development.
Reflect on your learning from Module 4 and record your
Module 4,
had help me make educational decision. Moreover, I realized how important it
is for teachers like me to devise an assessment plan to be objective, precise
and organized. I also learned that rubrics or curriculum should integrate 21st
century skills development.
1: Increased Student
Responsibility (Optional)
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
Considering your students and
their experiences with peer assessment, what concerns do you have about
transitioning them to be successful assessors? List your concerns and
brainstorm solutions.
Learners do not know
the adequate knowledge about the criteria on assessment.
It is the duty of the teacher to discuss the criteria
on assessment like in the peer rating.
They tend to practice biases in rating their peers as
to the fact that competition is inevitable.
The teacher must inculcate among the learners the
values of honesty and objectivity.
2: Peer
Estimated Time: 30 minutes
Review the Tips
for Student Feedback document.
Create a resource to support or scaffold peer assessment,
such as a checklist, presentation, tips sheet, dialog for modeling, and so on.
You may modify any of the resources you viewed in this activity for use in your
own classroom. Consider using collaboration and self-direction resources from
the Assessing Projects library as
3. Describe
how you will use the support material.
I will adapt the checklist. I will include things
like students opinion, individual observation, things to be suggested or
recommend by the students.
Estimated Time: 30 minutes
Review the Metacognition
Consider the resources you could use to support
self-assessment and metacognition in your classroom. Identify an assessment
instrument you have already created, modify any of the samples you have viewed,
or use the Assessing Projects application
to create one.
3. Describe
how you will use the support material.
I will remodel the checklist by adding items that
will specifically touch their metacognitive thinking to prepare them for
their student-teacher conferences and for writing in their journals.
Activity 1: Assessment Management Strategies
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
1. Describe
how you will organize and track student assessment data.
I will join together the use of technology in keeping
my students’ assessment data. A portfolio for monitoring of their progress
will be submitted by the students as
a compilation for the outputs.
2. Describe
how you will help your students organize their assessment data.
I will
instruct them to make a portfolio for their outputs to be submitted online or
in a printed manner.
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
What assessment activities do
you want to routinely occur in your classroom? What technology do you think
could help support those activities?
Routine Assessment
Peer Project Feedback
I want my students to
regularly get an update on how they are doing their project. It will be based
on the feedback of their peers which will be done through e-mail
I will ask my students
to have a digital journal/blogs where they will record their reflections on
their daily activities, output, or
Activity 2: Reflection and Goal Setting
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
Review your ideas for
tracking and organizing student assessment data from Module
5, Lesson 3, Activity 1. How will you and your students use the
information from the assessment data?
Consider how students can use the assessment
information to:
- Reflect on their learning
- Modify their goals or actions
- Revise their work
- Build on their 21st century skills, and so on
Describe what you will have
your students do with the assessment data they collect and organize.
I will ask them to organize every other data or
information they had collected like putting it in a concept map and an other
graphic organizers.
Determine how you will use the assessment data
- Modify instruction
- Determine proficiency
- Plan future units, and so on
Plan how you will use student
assessment data that you organize and track.
Analysis and discussion at the beginning of the unit
will help me in deciding how to use the assessment data to modify
instruction. I will identify the 21st century skills that had been
touched in the past period to account proficiency. After that, I’ll add up
other 21st century skills that had been missed. I will
continuously do this until I get to incorporate all the 21st
century skills in my teaching.
Activity 2: Grading Systems (Optional)
Estimated Time: 10 minutes
What strategies will you use
to assign grades to student work and processes?
The strategies I will use to assign grades to student
work and process is the
Estimated Time: 10 minutes
Reflect on the learning from
this module.
It helped me
gain ideas on how the assessment process should be done. I‘ve got a many
ideas on how assessment may be enjoyable with the demands of 21st
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
Revisit the goals you set for assessment in your classroom
from Module 1, Lesson 4, Activity 1.
Write about your progress toward those goals.
progress I consider towards those goals are the new learning`s strategy of
assessment where the student will increase in interest on the subject matter
thus increase of interest denotes high
learning or performance rating.
What new goals do you have for assessment in your 21st Century
classroom? What goals do you have for your students?
As of
the new goals, the progress that is already there is the enthusiasm to apply
the learning’s about the 21st century classroom assessment and
apply the formative practice of assessment.
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